Monday, January 7, 2008

NAM PRIK PAH( chili forest sauce , Thai food )

by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) , the entourage is , today we will come to meet with kind chili sauce menu is NAM PRIK PAH( chili forest sauce , Thai food )
The compound
10 goat fresh peppers burn
the shallot burns 10 the head
the garlic burns 5 the head
the shrimp paste burns 2 the tablespoon
2 tablespoon fishsauce are
3 lime tablespoon juices are
the snake-head fish burns only for the meat
The way does
1. pound the chili , kiss , garlic , shrimp paste , carelessly flavor with the fish sauce , lime juice is
2. lead chili sauce mixes with that pound blend
vegetables preparation
the vegetables will which should eat waterproof forest chili for example , , lead tree vegetables , the pumpkin boils , fragile eggplant is
the side dishes
boiled hard egg is
utensils preparation
choose the utensils is tiny basket for lay chili glass , and lay on size moderate basket , support with the banana leaf , very the vegetables keeps to are a kind , peel a boiled egg splits to are a quarter lays to put in follow the vegetables puts in , decorate with goat fresh bolt pepper is
follow other menu done to a turn

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