Wednesday, February 20, 2008

JEL BONG( JEL BONG , Thai food )

by pipat 
Hi! the entourage is , today we will lead you visits with lay Thai northeast food again as is popular at most is JEL BONG( JEL BONG , Thai food )
The ingredients
                        (1)dry guinea-pepper scratches
                        (2)galangal3 bright spectacles is
                        (3)the 1 head lemongrass is (slice fiber )
                        (4)2 head garlics are ( petal sheep )
                        (5)onion1/2 , scratch ( peel go out )
                        (6)kaffir lime leaf5 ( slice fiber )
                        (7)2 shrimp vegetarian food [ J letter ] tablespoon pastes
                        (8)2 salted soya tablespoon beanses are
The way does
1. roast dry guinea-pepper with young poor chili fire has kissed then pound is circumspect [ powdery ] pound to follow with 2+3+4+5+6 number ingredientses s are circumspect [ powdery ] already homogeneously add 7+8+9 numbers s pound altogether are are finished taste spicy salty sour mellow nation keeps can keep many day , fluently the chili can put in both of the green vegetables and the vegetables steam to eat things to eat with sticky hot ricefollow Thai other menu done to a turn

Thai Food Online