Thursday, February 28, 2008

KAO PAD NHAM( fried rice the pork, shredded and salted, bound tightly with banana leaves and eaten slightly fermented ,Thai food )

by pipat
Hi! the entourage is , today we will have advised food Thai formula again gively you tries to cook eat is KAO PAD NHAM( fried rice the pork, shredded and salted, bound tightly with banana leaves and eaten slightly fermented ,Thai food )
The compound
the pork, shredded and salted, bound tightly with banana leaves, and eaten slightly fermented slices to are dice must not tiny because , the time will cook pulpy
a tomato
broccoli , slice very small square
1 egg
the pepper
the sauce flavors
vegetables note adds otherly can enhance as you like it
The way does
cook big onion kiss to add the pork, shredded and salted, bound tightly with banana leaves, and eaten slightly fermented down have gone to cook then add broccoli , down go to add sauce pepper has flavored a little add rice already adds an egg down goes to cook blend have a tast the taste has Look here! then cook as you like it fetch to add a deep dish
follow Thai other menu done to a turn

Thai Food Online