Tuesday, August 12, 2008

YAM SAI TUN(mix the vermiform appendix,thai food)

by pipat
In dish all food that have onion assemble stay with that the majority look as if it is just , assemble at help enhance the smack gives with the food from that time No Your Excellency formed prominent the protagonist anyhow but in fact already onion be vitamin place and important mineral a lot of such as calcium , iron , phosphorus , the vitamin C , A , B 1 and B 2 especially " the sulphur " be important mineral will to inspire shine bright complexion has given with you magically , which there is the sulphur in onion a lot of if you eat onion regularly your complexion will see to is clear have astringent bloodshot imply good health of the clean tender skin will happen obviously onion make you defecate comfortably and still make can sleep easy like [ model ] comfortable as well a person who have a cold easy or be allergic to weather should eat onion , regularly , potato soup adds onion the omelet is onion mix all throw off all these be onion at you should attend

The compound

vermiform pig appendix is fresh 300 gram

1 the celery slices short

onion the lane crosswise 1 head

1 tomato slices a pal

1 the leek slices

1 lane parsley

the parsley plucks to are keep decorate

Water ingredients mixes

the guinea-pepper penetrates enough [ when crushed ] follow to like

lime juice 2-3 tablespoon

the fish sauce 1-2 tablespoon

cane sugar 1-2 teaspoon

The way does

1. lead the vermiform appendix has come to wash clean already palm salt wine deodorizes to stink , finished then seize boil cooked until already slice the pieces stop

2. mix the chili , fish sauce , lime juice , sugar , then taste follow like

3. add onion , tomato , celery , leek , the parsley down mix , follow with the vermiform appendix down mix blend good

4. very add a dish , sprinkle with the parsley eat refreshments or savories ea-ten along with drinks is

follow Thai other menu done to a turn thai-food-online.blogspot.com.

Thai Food Online