Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The way fries a chicken give the frame outside be soft in

by pipat
Hi! the entourage is thai-food-online.blogspot.com today we will lead you visits with the trick in Thai kind cooking fries for example
The way fries a chicken give the frame outside be soft in
use the chicken wash then air drily penetrate pepper garlic blend add salt induce ferment with a chicken at least half hour from that time arrange add a dish induce steam in a crate arrives at the time leads down steam must give water just off the boil before steam poor enough [ when ] cooked chicken from that time lead depart a crate arrives at , liberate give cold down , together with air drily
lead a chicken goes to mix with wheat flour ( or will use powder dips to fry that sell general all right ) mix with dry powder from that time dip with the reddish yellow has which to beat blend already already induce mix scale of a bread fish then seize fry in hot very oil with moderate fire enough [ when ] scale of a bread cooked fish is left then the spoon goes up to rest is drained of water it only will get the fried chicken the frame outside is soft in
again the one way if do not like like [ model ] to dip scale of a bread fish fries after steam finished wait for poor cold chicken already down induce dip with crisp powder the trick is important at the time mixes powder and the water give use the cold water mix give condensed enough [ when ] powder dips to stick dip a chicken down fry in hot very oil also as a result will get fried frame chicken outside be soft in
follow Thai other menu done to a turn thai-food-online.blogspot.com

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