If you have not at all eaten it beforehand, you may think that Thai preparations taste greatly like other Asian recipes. Although it does exhibit the influence of both Chinese and East Indian flavors, it also posseses it's own identity that separates it to a great extent from the foods made in adjoining places. The four regional cuisines from the Thailand itself forms the entire Thai cuisine that has an assortment of fresh pungent spices and herbs. Thai herbs and spices are the most essential ingredients for making appetizing Thai recipes.The herbs used in Thai foods are usually used for flavoring reasons, but they are distinctive from herbs used in other cuisines. These herbs have a magnificent smell that makes them different from other herbs. Not just Thai spices, but Thai herbs are also uniquely combined with Thai recipes such that they are always together. 'Tom Yam Kung', As an example, is world famed since it contains a mixture of many herbs (and also a few spices), including kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass stem, limejuice and chili. Another popular Thai dishes are 'Yam' and 'Phla'.Thai preparations are not only delectable but also wholesome and nutritious due to the medicinal properties of Thai herbs. So we can say that Thai herbs, with their beautiful form with nice green color, are added as a flavoring or garnish, making Thai recipes both delicious and delightful, as well as comforting the stomach with their refreshing and medicinal properties.Chili is also used to make the curry hot. They are used to make more than a few kinds of curry, such as, green, red, yellow, massaman, and penang curries.The gastronomic delights of Thai cuisine are world famous. By discussing the Thai cuisine, we are now aware of the main ingredients used in Thai recipes. Online cooking websites are also an option to collect some of the most popular Thai recipes. So simply browse the net and savor the true flavor of Thai recipes.