Thursday, November 1, 2007


Hello! ( yes sir )meet again please yes sir , audience , at this period we will talk in about [ story ] NAM PRIK , often please ( yes sir ) , because , might have a person takes an interest about [ story ] many thises , today me begs for to present NAM PRIK POA ,
The ingredients
dry big chili grills 15 fires
3 head garlics are
10 head shallots are
3 bucket tablespoon sugars
1 dried powdery cup shrimp is
1-1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
5 vegetable teaspoon oils are
The way cooks
slice the shallot , the garlic then to fry with vegetable until oil is yellow the frame
stop before
add the dried shrimp , kiss the garlic which reserve to pound is circumspect [ powdery ]
lead that pound , down cook in the frying pan
add tamarind water wets , sugar , and powdery salt mixes blend , taste follow want , liberate coldly , eat things to eat with pretty hot rice or , green vegetables , the vegetables scalds all right
The list is other

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