Friday, March 28, 2008

SLAD YUM KUNG(throw off mix the shrimp,Thai food)

by pipat
Hi! the entourage is , today we will lead you goes to know with cooking Thai techinque again type for example SLAD YUM KUNG(throw off mix the shrimp,Thai food)
The compound
the lettuce is fresh , compose , lettuce , cucumber , tomato , kiss big , sweet pepper , and other vegetables follows to like
5 shrimps scald cooked
salad quantity cream follows to like
Water compound mixes
the 1 fish measuring spoon sauce
2 cane tablespoon sugars are
the garlic chops 2 the tablespoon
1 lime measuring spoon juice is
the chili chops to are circumspect [ powdery ] 2 the tablespoon
The way does the water mixes , mix water compound mixes all altogether , add a cup reserves
The way does
1.arrange the all lettuce adds to appeared a deep dish
2.slice the sweet pepper , then decorate in last order
3.pour salad cream follows down go to , already decorate the shrimp keeps the top
4.pour the water mixes that reserve down prepare to eat
follow Thai other menu done to a turn

Thai Food Online