by pipat
5 noodles catch
300 pig young gram ribs
a tomato is ( slice tiny ) 400 gram
1 wheat flour is tablespoon
the pork grinds 300 a gram
curdled blood of hogs 1 is piece
fish sauce
the garlic fries leek parsley narrow a pig the lettuce ferments to slice
dry big chili is ( soak seed sheep goes out ) 7
5 onions
1 garlic are head
2 shrimp pastes are tablespoon
1. slice pig rib is just enough the word , curdled blood of hogs washes cleanly slice to crystallize very small abandon is drained of water pound chili sauce are circumspect [ powdery ]
2. pound chili sauce is circumspect [ powdery ] then lead the frying pan puts on the stove to add small time oil leads pig rib down cooks enough [ when ] kiss , add the pork grinds down go to cook with until cooked ingredients kisses , add a tomato cooks until next blend
3. stand a pot boils the water leads to take a pig that cooks to pour add add curdled blood of hogs boils to go to cooked until , flavor with the fish sauce before put something down , take wheat flour dissolves the water pours down go to in order to , condensed water then to put something down
4. the time will eat very noodles adds a dish has poured with snake water already scatters over with the leek , the parsley slices to are circumspect [ powdery ] , the garlic fries , eat with dry guinea-pepper fries pickling lane lettuce and narrow a pig ,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Khanom Jeen Nam Ngeow
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12:06 PM
Labels: thai food menu
Thai Style - Spicy Prawn Soup with Lemongrass (Tom Yum Koong)
by Suthep Sachasiri
One of the best known Thai dishes abroad this flavorful but spicy soup is hot, sour and fragrant. An ideal accompaniment to other Thai dishes and rice. The kaffir lime leaves, galangal and lemon grass are not meant to be eaten.
4 cups (1 liter) Thai Chicken Stock 3 Kaffir lime leaves 2 in (5 cm) fresh galangal root, sliced 3-4 coriander roots, washed 3 stem lemongrass, thick bottom 6-8 medium prawns or shrimp, shells intact 1 cup (5 oz/150 g) fresh or canned straw mushrooms sliced in half 5-10 bird's-eye chilies, smashed 3 tablespoons lime juice 1/2 tablespoons fresh sauce 3 springs fresh coriander leaves
1) Bring the stock to a boil and add kaffir lime leaves, galangal root, coriander roots an lemongrass. Simmer for 15 minutes
2 Add the prawns or shrimp, mushrooms and chilies and simmer for 3 minutes. Add the lime juice and fish sauce to taste. The soup should be spicy-sour and a little salty. Serve garnished with fresh coriander leaves.
Note: Do not over cook the prawns or they will become tough. Use home made chicken stock in this dish for the best flavor. Any verity of seafood may be substituted for or added to the prawn - including sliced fish, crab or squid.
Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes
For more mouth watering Thai recipes please visit
About the Author
Suthep is a true foodlover and maintains a free recipe website at and a food blog at
Posted by
1:55 AM
Labels: thai food menu
Thai Lao Seafood Salad
By Manivan Larprom
The Thai Lao Seafood Salad dish is commonly known as ‘Yum Talay’. When making this dish, do not overcook the seafood which will result to a chewy and rubbery texture. The best way to learn how to make the Thai Lao Seafood Salad is to watch the video at the website listed below.
Recipe for the Thai / Lao Seafood Salad:
1 cup fresh or frozen squid or cuttlefish
1 cup fresh or frozen shrimp
1 cup fresh or frozen mussels
¼ cup chopped sweet red peppers
¼ cup chopped green onions
¼ cup chopped cilantro
¼ cup chopped mint
1 chopped chili
3 tablespoons fish sauce
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime
If using frozen seafood, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator. Then rinse in cold water and drain several times to remove any residue. If using fresh seafood, also rinse them in cold water and drain to remove any residue. Bring water to boil in a large pot. Submerge squid or cuttlefish into the boiling water for up to one minute. Submerge shrimp for up to two minutes and mussels for up to three minutes. Drain the cooked seafood and combine them into a large mixing bowl. Allow seafood to cool to room temperature. Add the remaining ingredients into the seafood salad mixing bowl and mix thoroughly. Garnish with mint before serving.
Manivan Larprom, a Thai / Lao girl, teaches you how to cook Thai / Lao food with her home made videos at
Posted by
1:33 AM
Labels: thai food menu
Life Secrets From Thai Food
By Annie Kaszina
Life lessons can come from the most unlikely places, once you become open to receiving them. Once you stop compartmentalizing life, there are rich insights to be gained from places you might never previously have given any thought. Like Thai food…
1. You’ll never get the best out of either by being half-hearted. If you hold back on the chillies and other spices, Thai food won’t have much savour. The same is true for life; conviction is the secret ingredient for success.
2. It needn’t take long to produce great results. Just as you can produce a great Thai stir-fry in minutes, you can create something fantastic in your life in a short time. The road to achievement doesn’t have to be long and slow and hard.
3. You get out what you put in. You’ll never make good Thai food with bad ingredients and a bad attitude. Whatever you do, if you don’t put care into it, you’ll never get the best out of it.
4. Neither is meant to be a spectator sport. There’s not a great deal of enjoyment to be gained by sitting on the sidelines. If you hang around while Thai food is being made, you may find yourself coughing and spluttering at the pungent cooking aroma of the chillies and ginger etc. But the flavour…
5. Both depend on the same art of making the most of what you have. You could spend your time thinking how much more you could do, if only you had X, Y, or Z, or you can get the maximum enjoyment from what you have right now.
6. You don’t have to be rich to enjoy either. After all, Thai street food is just as delicious in its way as a royal banquet.
7. It’s your creative vision that makes the difference. You can make as many great things with a few simple ingredients as you choose. It’s all down to your imagination and your enthusiasm.
8. Neither need make you fat. You are always in control of your choices.
9. It’s never as good if you’re just doing it for one. Both taste best when they’re shared.
10. Both are a celebration of everyday ingredients.
(C) 2005 Annie Kaszina
Annie Kaszina Ph D, is a coach and writer who has helped hundred of women to rebuild their confidence and their life after an abusive relationship. Annie is the author of "The Woman You Want To Be". Inside this ebook you'll learn to believe in yourself and the fulfilling future you're looking for.
To find out more and sign up to Annie's free bi-monthly ezine visit: You can email Annie at:
Feel free to reprint this article on your website or in your ezine, just include the resource box.
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1:29 AM
Labels: healthy thai food
Weightloss diet plan
Posted by pearl (
Does your weight fluctuate with the amount of activities you are able to squeeze in any given week? Don’t you hate that your budget makes you feel like eating lower quality foods is in your best interest financially. Well, it’s not! I am glad to tell you actors and actresses have been using a well designed diet plan that you can learn and begin using immediately. While many celebrities use personal trainers and fitness schedules to exercise, the rest of their “secrets” lie in this diet plan that can be generated for you, per individual. It has nothing to do with positive thinking, because positive thinking all by itself won’t remove a single pound from your body.
The first thing to recognize is that food is not the enemy. A diet plan that was originally created for Hollywood Celebrities is now unveiled to the public. Your metabolism doesn’t know how much food you’ll eat tomorrow or in the future for that matter. Therefore, your metabolism always burns calories based on your eating habits during the past few days, essentially trying to develop a pattern.
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1:19 AM
The Charm Of Thai Food
By: Manora
Thai food always has various kinds of vegetables as main ingredients. These can be found in Kaeng Liang, Kaeng Som, Kaeng Noppakaaw, Kaeng Kae, Kaeng Nor Mai. and Kaeng Hua Pli. Of the “yam” (salad) type, are Yam Hua Pli and Yam Kalaampli. There are many foods that are good eaten with vegetables. Isaan’s vermicelli, as well as that of the South, Kaeng Tai Pla and Kaeng Lyan are very delicious having vegetables as their parts. The Som Tam of any region either Issan’s Som Tam Malakor or the North’s Tam Som O or Tam Mamuang are to be with Chaom’s tops, Chapluu leaves, Kratin’s tops and Tong Laang’s tops. For Plaa (a Thai saled with raw or partially cooked meat), Lon (a kind of shrimps or crab sauce) and Lap (a kind of minced beef, or chicken or pork salad), including Namprig (Chilly sauce), raw or boiled vegetables are needed to eat with.
The Thai food of the Centra part needs vegetables to be side by side; examples are Khanomchin Namya and Namprig Chaonaa. Bai horapa (Sweet Basil ) and Pagkaad Hom (Romain lettuce) are served with Po Pia Tod (Spring rolls). Various kinds of Miang (minced meat wrapped up by leaves): Miang Khanaa, Miang Mamuang, Miang Kaam are served with fresh vegetables.
Besides producing fibre, the green leaves of Khannaa, Pakbung, Tamloeng and lettuce help reduce the body’s lack of Vitamin B2 when taken with meat. Vegetables’ green leaves consist of Vitamin A which is very useful to the body, taken with the fat in cooking oil. Deep green and yellow vegetables produce Betacarotine, an anti-cancerous substance which turns to be Vitamin A needed by human body.
Yam (Thai salad) has a small quantity of meat but its main ingredients are vegetables. All yams have fat ingredients; examples are Yam Yod Krathin, Yam Bai Bua Bok, Yam Hua Pli, Yam Tawai, Yam Mamuang, Yam Yuan, Yam Yai, and Yam Woon Saen.
As the Thai food’s ingredients are small quantity of fat and meat (with about 20% of fat), the Thai people, then, are fortunate in their fat taking less than the western people, and less risky of having breast cancer.
The Values of Thai Food:
1. Food Values: Thai food has values obtained from ingredients which are vegetables, spices and herbs.
2. Herb and Spice Values: As Thai food has its main ingredients consisting of herbs and spices , then, it has a great value.
3. Folk Wisdom and Art and Culture Values: In general, each of the Thai food has its own natural flavor and features, for example, Kaeng Khi Lhek, which consists of the leaves of Khi lhek with their bitter flavor but by the old genertion’s folk wisdom in mixing these bitter leaves with spices, coconut milk and meat, Kaeng Khi Lhek becomes a delicious cuisine.
The Charm of Thai Food
Thai food is an international favorite. The charm of Thai food depends on:
1. Flavor: Each Thai dish has more than 3-4 flavors. The ingredients of each dish help not only harmonize all different flavors but also make delicious. Miniature egg plants with their bitter flavor in Kaeng Khieo Wan help reduce the greasiness and the hot flavor.
2. Decoration: Thai food has an attracting decoration inducing to appetite and it is also convenient to take.
3. Ingredients: The flavor of Thai food cames from herbal spices without flavoring substances.
4. Values: Thai food has both values of nutrition and medicine.
5. Harmony : Thai food can be harmoniously taken with other food, for example, Panaeng Kai can be used as sandwich filling. Paad Kaaprao as spaghetti’s top over.
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12:43 AM
Labels: history thai food