Hello! ( yes sir ) meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today we will meet with a menu again bely HOR MOK MOO(curried fish wrapped in banana leaves and pig steamed,Thai food )
The compound
the pork grinds 1 a cup
1 coconut condensed cup cream is
1 duck's egg is
the 1 teaspoon sugar is
3 tablespoon fishsauce are
2 chili curry tablespoon sauces
crowd into slice 3 fibers
4 goat red peppers slice in long rows
the section is
The way does
lead , pig , coconut cream , sugar , fish sauce , egg , come to mix prevent down a person in deep altar dish with periphery person ice stickily
bring drop appeared the section , import the oven uses 100% fires time 4 minute , cover with the plastic , lead go out sprinkle with the goat pepper , fully eat
may not difficult please ( yes sir ) request eat deliciously please ( yes sir )
advise a menu here
Friday, November 30, 2007
HOR MOK MOO(curried fish wrapped in banana leaves and pig steamed,Thai food )
Posted by
8:05 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu, the food that cook with the oven
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
TOM YAM TALAY( spicy chicken-curry in coconut sea milk ,Thai food )
Hello! ( yes sir ) meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today we come to meet with Thai food again a kind is TOM YAM TALAY( spicy chicken-curry in coconut sea milk ,Thai food )
The compound
100 gram shrimps are
the squid slices to are 100 was a gram
50 sea mussel gram meats
fish , 100 thicket gram hand
1 horse crab chops to are
4 coconut measuring cup creams are
crowd into 5
4 lemongrasses slice some
the galingale slices to are 20 spectacles spectacles
5 tablespoon fishsauce are
1 garden dented enough [ when ] broken tablespoon guinea-pepper
1 cane tablespoon sugar is
lane parsley , for scatter over
lime juice and chili sauce burn a little very follow to like
The way does
boil coconut cream with crowd into , galingale , and the lemongrass , appeared the utensils imports the microwave , use 100 %heat levels 12-15minute , enough [ when ] be angry , add the seafood , the guinea-pepper leads to get back to reach a stove , use the level , the heat 8-10 originally minute , cooked until throughout good
flavor with lime juice , cane sugar , fish sauce , and , chili sauce burns , taste follow like
advise other menu here
Posted by
5:36 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu, the food that cook with the oven
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
PEEK KAI SORD SAI( the Ompok bimaculatus stufves , Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the entourage is thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today we will come to meet with Thai food again a kind is PEEK KAI SORD SAI( the Ompok bimaculatus stufves , Thai food )
The ingredients
the Ompok bimaculatus removes 5 wing bones
the 1 reddish yellow is
200 minced gram porks are
noodles made of green grams soaks enough [ when soft ] 50 a gram
1 mushroom is ( soak slice in long rows )
a carrot slices in long rows 1/2 the head
2 parsley root roots
the garlic slices 1 the tablespoon
2 tablespoon peppers are
C white 3 the tablespoon
1/2 teaspoon salt is
scale of a bread fish
oil for fry
The way does
-pound parsley root , garlic , pepper , enough [ when crushed ] , bring mix C white , salt , carrot , mushroom , noodles made of green grams , minced pork , induce fry , taste then , fetch a pig adds in the Ompok bimaculatus , enough [ when ] full use the wood inserts the mouth crowdedly , induce steam cooked until , bring dip an egg and mix scale of a bread fish give throughout induce to fry in until cooked yellow oil , eat with chili sauce
advise other menu done to click here
Posted by
4:24 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Monday, November 26, 2007
KHAO MOK KAI( Islamic dish consisting of rice with buried chicken meat , Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the entourage is thai-food-online.blogspot.com , of our way , today we will come to meet with Thai menu again a kind is KHAO MOK KAI( Islamic dish consisting of rice with buried chicken meat , Thai food )
The compound
milled rice 1 the measuring cup is
the 1-1/2 measuring cup water is
1/4 powdery teaspoon salt is
the chicken slices to are tiny 1 the measuring cup
the yogurt is (the 1-1/2 fresh tablespoon milk mixes 1/4 teaspoon vinegar )2 , the tablespoon is
the ginger chops to are circumspect [ powdery ] 1 the tablespoon
the garlic chops to are circumspect [ powdery ] 1 the tablespoon
1 lane tablespoon onion
1/4 vegetable measuring cup oil is
the potato bakes to slice 1/2 tiny measuring cup square
chili sauce typical Thai dish compound
parsley child bakes 1/4 the teaspoon
the fennel bakes 1/4 the teaspoon
curcuma 1 teaspoon dust
10 peppers are
1/8 powdery teaspoon cinnamon is
3 stalk cloves are
2 Amomum krervanh Pierre child childs
1 1 whore tablespoon tablespoon dusts
yellow chili grinds 1 the tablespoon
1/4 powdery teaspoon salt is
The way does
- pound chili sauce are circumspect [ powdery ]
- both of potato is head , wash cleanly , use the wood puts in to chase the air , already import a stove takes time 5 minute , 100% heats abandon to keep coldly , slice tiny square , an onion mixes vegetable oil reaches a stove , take time 5 minute , 100%
- heats are chicken , ginger , garlic , yogurt , salt is powdery , chili sauce , mix blend give throughout , ferment keep 1 hour
wash rice , add the water and that ferment to keep , mix blend , close with the plastic stretches or , utensils lid , reach a stove takes time 15 minute 100%
- heats s lift to come out mix with the potato which reserves , a person mixes blend to sprinkle with kiss fry
- eat with the sauce , cucumber , pickling ginger is
sauce compound
1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
1/4 measuring cup vinegar is
3 cane tablespoon sugars are
red chili grinds 1 the tablespoon
reach a stove takes time 2 minute , 100% heats lift to depart a stove s eat things to eat with rice s hide a chicken
request eat deliciously please
advise other menu click here please
Posted by
6:57 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
TORD MUN KUNG( fried fish shrimp patty ,Thai food )
by Pipat
Hello! yes sir , the entourage is thai-food-online.blogspot.com , regularly day this we will come to cook a meal Thai again a kind is TORD MUN KUNG( fried fish shrimp patty ,Thai food )
The ingredients
the 1/2 kilogram shrimp torns middle is fresh
it a pig dip 100 cold a gram
the 1 reddish yellow is
1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
1/2 powdery teaspoon pepper is
C white 2 the teaspoon
1 cane teaspoon sugar is
1/2 wheat measuring cup flour is
scale of a bread fish
oil for fry
The way does
1.chop the shrimp are circumspect [ powdery ]
2.it minced pork is circumspect [ powdery ]
3.mix the shrimp and it a pig , add cane sugar , powdery pepper is , salt is , C white , wheat flour , and the reddish yellow massages blend for a long time , mold crystallize round , induce mix with an egg and scale of a bread fish give throughout , fry in hot moderate enough [ when ] yellow oil fetches to go up lay on oil bond , eat hot fully the water
water ingredients
1/2 cane measuring cup sugar is
1/2 measuring cup vinegar is
1 child is
1 teaspoon salt is
beat give broken add cane sugar , vinegar , salt , put on the stove simmer stickily abandon keep coldly fully eat
advise other menu that thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
10:52 PM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
KAENG SOM CHA AOM KHAI[ sour soup made of tamarind Acacia egg paste , Thai food ]
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) , meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today we will come to meet with a menu again a kind is KAENG SOM CHA AOM KHAI( sour soup made of tamarind Acacia egg paste , Thai food )
The ingredients
20 fresh shrimps are
Acacia 1 the handful is
3 duck's eggs are
50 chili sour soup made of tamarind paste gram sauces
amarind water wets 1/4 the measuring cup
1 lime tablespoon juice is
3 tablespoon fishsauce are
3 boiled shrimp measuring cup waters
1 cane teaspoon sugar is
The way does
1. Acacia washes cleanly pluck and young top , slice long about 1 inch the foot , add 3 duck's eggs beat blend to induce fry enough [ when cooked ] slice just enough the word
2.wash the shrimp beheads to peel , pick the head and the shell keep to do soup
3.dissolve chili typical Thai dish sauce , in boiled shrimp water puts on the stove enough [ when ] is angry , flavor with the fish sauce , tamarind water wets , cane sugar , taste sour , The salty , when , cinnabar taste Amen!s to add the shrimp , Acacia fries enough [ when cooked ] add lime juice , fully eat
advise other menu here
Posted by
2:00 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Thursday, November 22, 2007
NAMPRIK PLATUKEM( chili mackerel salty sauce ,Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the audience today us the staff thai-food-online.blogspot.com , will take you visit with species chili sauce food again bely NAMPRIK PLATUKEM( chili mackerel salty sauce ,Thai food )
The ingredients
2 salty sheep mackerels only for meat
15 guinea-peppers slice to are circumspect [ powdery ]
5 lane head shallots
2 teaspoon fishsauce are
1 lime juice is
The way cooks
lead mackerel salty meat has grilled the fire already brings flat is circumspect [ powdery ] , add the fish sauce , lane shallot adds the guinea-pepper mixes blend good , taste follow want , eat with cook fresh or , the vegetables steams such as fragile eggplant , water mimosa , the eggplant is long , the lettuce is white , lead tree top , cucumber , curcuma is white , the ginger is young , stems of the water stem borer lily is
advise other menu that thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
3:33 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, namprik, thai food menu
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
NAMPRIK NOM( chili young man formula original sauce ,Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the audience today thai-food-online.blogspot.com , will induce meet with way North of Thailand food for example , NAMPRIK NOM( chili young man formula original sauce ,Thai food )
The components
20 goat peppers grill to rip are heel
1 powdery teaspoon salt is
cane sugar
The way cooks
lead the goat pepper which rip to add a mortar , pound soft poor the chili is soft and liquid , sprinkle powdery salt mixes blend , add a little cane sugar mixes blend again , taste follow want , eat things to eat with sticky rice or , or not is salty meat roasts ? likes to eat the meat will eat with the green vegetables , the vegetables scalds , or , hot dry-cookedrice or
advise a menu that want done to a turn thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: food with a salty taste, history thai food, namprik
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
NAMPRIK KUNGSOD( chili shrimp fresh sauce, Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the audience today thai-food-online.blogspot.com , will mind you visit with species chili sauce menu for example NAM PRIK KUNG SOD( chili shrimp fresh sauce, Thai food )
The ingredients
fresh shrimp chops 1/2 already a cup
the shrimp paste wraps the banana leaf burns 1 the tablespoon
sheep shell garlic 1 already the head
10 eggplants are
15 garden guinea-peppers
1 lime juice is
the fish sauce is
The way does
lead garden guinea-pepper , garlic , the shrimp paste comes to pound blend good , add eggplant pounds enough [ when ] dented broken , add shrimp fresh meat chops down go to mix blend , slash add a cup , already flavor with fish sauce lemon , taste follow want , if , want spicy , add the paprika down can go to , eat things to eat with hot rice and the green vegetables ( , soak hard ) , such as the cucumber , cowpea , section beans
may not difficult please ( yes sir ) for Thai kind this food
advise other menu that thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
6:17 AM
Labels: namprik, thai food menu
Monday, November 19, 2007
PAD THAI( Thai noodle is,Thai food)
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com,today we will come to meet with Thai popular food again bely PAD THAI( Thai noodle is,Thai food)
The compound
1 heel tiny measuring cup noodles
1 egg is
shame on one slice 1/2 the measuring cup
bean hard curd slices 1/4 tiny the measuring cup
2 bucket tablespoon sugars
1 tablespoon vinegar is
3 tablespoon oils are
1 dried fiber tablespoon shrimp
the 1/2 bean measuring cup sprout is
the groundnut roasts 1/4 powdery the measuring cup
salty radish slices to are circumspect [ powdery ] 1 the tablespoon
2 tablespoon fishsauce are
orange tamarind juice wets 1 the tablespoon
The way does
1.lead the noodle dips to then until is full
2.add oil down the frying pan puts on the stove hotly , lead the noodle down cook , add the a little water , for , , the heel is soft , flavor with the sugar , fish sauce , vinegar , orange tamarind juice , thin egg bamboo-stripes adds , add dried fiber shrimp , pickled cabbage , bean curd shame on one , bean sprout , groundnut , cook cookedly
The side dishes
the bean sprout is raw , edible inflorescence of a banana plant shame on one , the lemon slices to are
1.noodle , if , use , heel , lovely grant increasingly or , use or not is noodles made of green grams ? add the heel
2.add fresh shrimp , or , fresh squid can add
3.if , want to do the a large amount enhance all ratio goes up in proportion
advise other menu that want thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
7:02 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Sunday, November 18, 2007
NAM PRIK KATON(chili santol sauce , Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , the audience meets again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today we come to meet with Thai food where eats to never is bored with bely again NAM PRIK KATON(chili santol sauce , Thai food )
The compound
santol meat slices dice square , soak salt (1 , big child is )1 , a cup is
10 petal garlics are
2 dried tablespoon shrimps are
the shrimp paste roasts 2 tablespoon fires
5-10 guinea-peppers are
the 1/4 minced cup pork is
2 vegetable tablespoon oils are
1/2 bucket tablespoon sugar
lemon , fish sauce , for flavor
The way does
1. penetrate the dried shrimp gives the meat rises , add the garlic , shrimp paste , penetrate blend crushed until , add the guinea-pepper penetrates very spicy a little follow to like
2. lead santol meat goes up to are drained of water , divide add in a mortar , about 3 a cup penetrates crushedly
3. stand the frying pan adds oil hotly , cook chili sauce which penetrate to keep kiss ( don't use enthusiastic because , the shrimp paste will burnt ) , add bucket sugar , cook poor the sugar dissolves , add the pork down cook cookedly , taste , if , not sour santol can add the lemon a little , taste go out 3 the taste , if , shrimp not salty paste can add the fish sauce a little , add santol remainder meat down cook , scatter over with the guinea-pepper puts something down from a stove , eat with the green vegetables , hot dry-cookedrice accompanies with with the gourami or , sunlight one fish fries
chili santol formula this sauce will don't add a pig all right , but , must decrease the shrimp paste is left 1-1/2 the tablespoon , enhance the dried shrimp is 3 the tablespoon and enhance santol meat are 1-1/4 a cup
see that , or not yet is chili sauce has cooked done to a turn ? see a color of the shrimp paste , gray from young be dark gray , and the shrimp paste coats the santol throughout is regarded as can use , but , should be on the alert don't use enthusiastic will make shrimp bitter not delicious paste
advise other menu thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
6:31 AM
Labels: namprik, thai food menu
Saturday, November 17, 2007
kanom babin( sweets hasty,thai food )
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) , you the audience meet again witthai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with of Thailand dessert at has can to cook with the oven ( yes sir ) , kanom babin( sweets hasty,thai food )
The compound
the coconut abrades 2 a cup ( the young coconut is )
1-1/4 cane cup sugar is
the cassava abrades 1-1/2 a cup
1 screw pine cup water is
The way prepares
1. the coconut splits a half abrades only for the coconut meat reserves
2. the cassava peels to use that abrade the papaya , abrade fiber reserves
The way does
1. measure everything compound reserves , pour the compound appeareds a deep dish mixes a person blend
2. lead tray aluminium utensils that rub coconut oil , or , butter , pour the compound that a person blends to Amen! , add appeared the tray imports the oven uses the system blasts hot 45 180 degree time fires minute
The list advises other food other menu
Posted by
1:45 AM
Labels: dessert, thai food menu
Friday, November 16, 2007
SOMTAM KANOMJEEN( Somtum , noodles is , Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) , meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with northeast food ( Thai Northeastern food ) , that be famous be SOMTAM KANOMJEEN( Somtum , noodles is , Thai food )
The compound
the 1/2 cup papaya is
heel , sweets , Chinese 1/2 a cup is
the cowpea slices to are 1 the sheath
3-5 child tomatoes
5 petal garlics are
3-5 guinea-peppers are
2 fragile child eggplants are
the 1-1/2 dried tablespoon shrimp is
the 1-1/2 fish tablespoon sauce is
1/2 bucket tablespoon sugar
2 lime tablespoon juices are
The way does
penetrate the garlic and the guinea-pepper crushedly , add bucket sugar , fish sauce , lime juice , flavor blend , add the dried shrimp , cowpea , the eggplant is fragile , a tomato dented down give enough [ when broken ] , add the papaya down penetrate to is soft , thereafter add the heel , sweets , Chinese down mix , taste as you like it discharge the kind of Thai dish
must menu other realm criticizes that thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
9:33 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, thai food menu
PAD PRIG TOU FUKE YAO( cook cowpea chili , Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! yes sir , audience , meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with Thai menu again bely , PAD PRIG TOU FUKE YAO( cook cowpea chili , Thai food )
The compound
10 shrimps peel to are left the tail s keep
the cowpea slices to are long 1 inch the 1 cup foot
chili typical Thai dish sauce roasts 2 the tablespoon
3 vegetable tablespoon oils are
4 dried powdery rough tablespoon shrimps are
crowd into slice 2 tablespoon fibers
2 tablespoon fishsauce are
3 cane tablespoon sugars are
2 tablespoon waters are
The way prepares
1. the cowpea slices to are long 1 inch the foot stops
2. lead the shrimp comes to wash peel go out is left but , tail , split the back and pull , black heel abandons
The way does
1. mix chili typical Thai dish sauce roasts with oil in buttocks deep dish , import cook in a stove
2. enough [ when ] kiss good come out add the shrimp , dried water shrimp , cowpea crowds into 1-1/2 the tablespoon , flavor with the fish sauce , sugar , mix give blend good then close the lid , import the oven , take time 5 minute scatter over with crowd into and red chili slices fiber fully eat , may not difficult too for you
present the list that you wants done to a turn thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
5:46 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu, the food that cook with the oven
Thursday, November 15, 2007
KAI CHARE LOA ( a chicken dips food Thai liquor )
Hello! yes sir , the audience meets again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with the food at can use microwave oven in cooking again is KAI CHARE LOA ( a chicken dips food Thai liquor )
The compound
1 fresh chicken is
1 big onion pounds the head
the ginger old pound 2
3 Chinese tablespoon liquors
1 powdery teaspoon salt is
1/2 powdery teaspoon pepper is
the ginger old chop 2 the teaspoon
boil kiss chop 2 the teaspoon
C white 3 the tablespoon
2 sesame teaspoon oils are
the sauce is - , the 1 tablespoon stump is
2 cane teaspoon sugars are
sauce ingredients
5 goat peppers are
the salted soya beans chops to are circumspect [ powdery ] 2 the tablespoon
1 cane teaspoon sugar is ................. , 1-1/2 sesame tablespoon oil is ............ , 1/4 powdery teaspoon salt is
The way prepares
wash a chicken cleanly , absorb drily
The way does
1. add an onion and the ginger are getting older in chicken stomach , mix Chinese liquor , powdery salt and powdery pepper blend , rub give all over one's body both of chicken inside and outside ferment to keep 30 minute
2. add a chicken appeareds buttocks deep utensils , close the lid , import the oven takes time 15 minute , abandon give cold then slice the meat , compress add a deep dish crowdedly and upside down add a dish fully eat
3. mix the ginger old chop , the leek slices , C white , sesame oil , the sauce is - , the stump and cane sugar blend , pour on the chicken
The way does the sauce
roast dry chili in the microwave , take time 3 minute powdery be circumspect [ powdery ] , add sesame oil , Chinese liquor has and the paprika already import microwave oven , take time again 2 minute filter only for lead it mixes with the salted soya beans chops and cane sugar
other menu
Posted by
6:48 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu, the food that cook with the oven
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
YUM MOO NAMTOK( , mix waterfall pig ,Thai food )
Hello! ( yes sir ) , come to meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with Thai food where cooks with the oven again the list is YUM MOO NAMTOK( , mix waterfall pig ,Thai food )
The part mixes
250 gram porks are
C black 1/2 the teaspoon
1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
rice roasts1 the tablespoon is
the part mixes the sauce
2 teaspoon paprikas are
2 lime tablespoon juices are
the shallot slices 1/4 crosswise the measuring cup
lead the 1/2 teaspoon palmyra
1 parsley lane tablespoon leek
parsley peppermint , for scatter over a little just
The way does
slice the pork is long , can give about 3 add C black , salt is powdery , ferment abandon keep for a moment , add the utensils closes the lid or , close with the plastic (s hold,seize ) , import the oven takes time 2 minute , 100% use heats do scorched by , lift glass tray lays on iron screen that is locate in the level on , already lift the light while , add a pig which , cooked already , lay on glass tray , open the lid , or , pull sense forces (s hold,seize ) to go out , do scorched take time 8 minute ( , by do scorched a side vacates 4 minute )
slice the pork is bright mix with the sauce , add the paprika and rice roast , shallot is peppermint , the parsley is ( , divide add vacately a half ) , mix blend , very add a dish
sprinkle with kiss parsley lane slices peppermint lane plucks to are
doing rice roasts , give use milled rice 3 the tablespoon , wash cleanly air be drained of water , reach a stove takes time 3 minute 100%heats
menu other
Posted by
3:42 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, the food that cook with the oven
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
poo pad pong kari ( a crab cooks whore food Thai dust )
Hello! yes sir , audience , meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will come to meet with sea of Thailand menu again one kind is poo pad pong kari ( a crab cooks whore food Thai dust )
The compound is
a sea crab is (1 , )5 , scratch
chili sauce burns 1 the tablespoon
1 whore teaspoon dust
1 fresh tablespoon chili is
the 1 tablespoon garlic is
boil kiss - , the parsley is
2 vegetable tablespoon oils are
The way does
1.sea crab , pound the claw , chop to the pieces
2.add vegetable oil appeareds the frying pan , put on the stove hotly , add the garlic , the chili is fresh , that penetrate enough [ when crushed ] down go to , cook kiss
3.add a crab down go to cook , cooked until
4.add whore dust and flavor with , cane sugar , fish chili sauce sauce burns and add soup water add down go to enough [ when ] have the a little water , add parsley leek down go to , fetch go up add a dish prepares to eat
The trick
must choose a sea crab is fresh alive , will get will learn the news sweet and crowded of crab meat , chili sauce will burn to help give the colour of a crab cooks whore dust is appetizing increasingly , dust whore that part , add in just right quantity , don't very or , a until little too , because , if , too much will make have the smell very acridly
other menu
Posted by
11:23 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, history thai food
Monday, November 12, 2007
Rard nar[ noodles pours infront total,thai food]
Hello! ( yes sir ) , meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , at present our way has enhanced new list is Thai menu at can cook with the oven comes to can give testimony to try induce cook first list is , noodles pours infront total up the friend
The compound
500 large strip gram noodleses
the top is Yes , 200 gram uncles are
the top slices to swerve 100 a gram
the Chinese paper flower cuts hard bishop abandons 50 a gram
a black mushroom soaks to slice is , 50 gram heels are
a mushroom soaks to slice is , 3 heels are
a mushroom peels black abandon to split 100 gram halves
C white 1 the tablespoon
1 cane tablespoon sugar is
1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
2 measuring cup waters are
3 corn tablespoon flours are
C black 1-1/2 the tablespoon
3 vegetable tablespoon oils are
The way does
doesnoodles , C black , vegetable oil , mix blend give throughout , import the oven , take time 4 minute , 100%.
heats lead 2 cup waters , reach a stove , take time 10 minute , 100% heats lift to come out , add the all ingredients ( , except , , Yes , uncle , mushroom , and corn flour ) , already lead get back to reach a stove builds [ wasp ] 7 again minute 100%
corn flour heats , mix 2 tablespoon person waters blend , induce pour appeared the water pours infront , a person quickly blend to don't give powder captures to crystallize , then , lead the top Yes , an uncle and a mushroom add down go to
all person blend to get back to reach a stove , take time 3 minute , 100%
heats lift to come out pour down on the noodle , eat with orange chili fresh juice
The compound of orange chili fresh juice
goat fresh pepper pounds to are circumspect [ powdery ] 3 the tablespoon
orange juice distills to are pure 1/4 the measuring cup , mix altogether eat with pour infront
a note is
if , like soft noodle , give close with the plastic (s hold,seize )
other menu
Posted by
8:54 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu, the food that cook with the oven
Sunday, November 11, 2007
TOM SOM PRA TAPAIN( fish soup with fishshaped ornaments made of palm leaf ginger, Thai food )
Hello! ( yes sir )meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today come to meet with Thai food again a kind is TOM SOM PRA TAPAIN( fish soup with fishshaped ornaments made of palm leaf ginger, Thai food )
The ingredients
1.the fishshaped ornaments made of palm leaf is ( , medium-size )2-3
2.7-8 leeks boil
3.7-8 head shallots are
4.7 peppers are
5.5 petal garlics are
6.the 1 shrimp teaspoon paste is
7.parsley root
8.the ginger slices bright
9.tamarind water wets
10.the fish sauce is
11.the sugar is
The way does
clean a fish before cooking the carp finishedly wash cleanly , take pepper shallot , root parsley garlic , ginger , the shrimp paste adds a mortar pounds is circumspect [ powdery ]
the water adds moderately pot for the 1 fish , put on the stove give water just off the boil , take ingredients in a mortar adds down is going stripes in a pot , close the lid waits for is angry then take the fish adds down go to , when , water just off the boil again , the leek adds down go to , cook with the fish sauce , sugar , orange tamarind juice wets , fully eat
other menu
Posted by
10:34 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Saturday, November 10, 2007
CEECLONG MOO TOMYUM( pig spicy lemongrass soup food Thai rib )
Hello! ( yes sir ) meet regularly again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today we will have come to meet with a menu is CEECLONG MOO TOMYUM( pig spicy lemongrass soup food Thai rib )
The ingredients
1.pig meat rib 1/2 very much a kilogram
2.3 lemongrasses are
3.crowd into 7
4.5 dry chilis are
5.the fish sauce is
6.the lemon is
7.fresh guinea-pepper is
8.the parsley is
The way does
minced pork short rib , wash cleanly , air be drained of water
take the water adds very much , put on the stove give angry add pig bone , while , -ing angry wait for fetch abandon poor clear water , simmer concede tender
the lemongrass slices short enough [ when ] dented broken , rip , crowd into , roast dry chili kiss , enough , bone , good tender , add lemongrass , crowd into , dry chili rips tiny , add the fish sauce then to put something down
fetch add a deep dish , flavor with lime juice , dented enough [ when ] broken guinea-pepper is or , the paprika all right , taste already sprinkle the parsley eats hot very delicious
Other menu is
Posted by
12:46 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Friday, November 9, 2007
namprik takrai(chili lemongrass sauce,Thai food )
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir )meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , for today come to meet with species chili sauce menu , be namprik takrai(chili lemongrass sauce,Thai food )
The ingredients
1.4 young lemongrasses are
2.5 guinea-peppers are
3.the 1-2 fish teaspoon sauce is
4.1-2 lime teaspoon juice is
5.1 dried powdery tablespoon shrimp is
6.the 1 shrimp teaspoon paste is 1 bucket teaspoon sugar
The side dishes
green all vegetables is
the side dishes is
the fish roasts , egg , sweet pig is
The way does
1.wash the lemongrass cleanly , cut keep but , the head portion has already bright lane
2.pound the lemongrass , the dried shrimp are circumspect [ powdery ] , add the guinea-pepper , shrimp paste , pound blend , flavor with the fish sauce , sugar , lime juice , taste give get three the taste , eat fully the side dishes and the green vegetables
the shrimp paste should wrap the banana leaf roasts the fire cookedly before
menu is other clickhere
Posted by
6:02 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, namprik, thai food menu
Thursday, November 8, 2007
panang moo(dry pig curry,Thai food )
Hello! yes sir , the entourage is thai-food-online.blogspot.com , the food that you the audience will have met this time is panang moo(dry pig curry ..... ,Thai food )
The ingredients
1.the pork slices 300 a gram uses back pig outside
2.the coconut abrades 300 a gram ,squeeze give get 1 coconut measuring cup cream
3.crowd into 2
4.the fish sauce is
5.the sugar is
6.the sweet basil is
7. oil is
chili dry curry sauce
1.7 dry chilis are
2.2 tablespoon shallots are
3.2 tablespoon garlics are , the 1 teaspoon galingale is
4.the 1 tablespoon lemongrass is
5.the skin crowds into 1/2 the tablespoon
6.1/2 parsley tablespoon root
7.the 1/4 teaspoon pepper is
8.1/2 teaspoon salt is
9.the 1 shrimp teaspoon paste is
10.parsley child roasts 2 the teaspoon
11.the groundnut roasts 1 the tablespoon
12.the 1/2 teaspoon fennel is , pound altogether be circumspect [ powdery ]
The way does
1.cook chili sauce kiss and float up during boiling to use light fire
2.add the pork down cook , add crowd into , flavor with the fish sauce , sugar , simmer enough [ when ] have little water , fall onomatopoeia of the sound of the crying children with the goat pepper , sweet basil , pour with coconut cream puts on the stove a person blend
other menu here
Posted by
6:52 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tom yum[spicy lemongrass dry soup,thaifood]
Hello! ( yes sir ) , meet once again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today come to and a menu that famous fame but , be not it is
The ingredients
1.the fish estimates 1 red big thicket
2.1 1/2 long inch head galingales are
3.2 lemongrasses are
4.crowd into
5.5 onions burn the head
7.8 dry big chilis are
8.2 lime tablespoon juices are
9.2 parsleys are
10.oil for fry 1-1/2 a cup
11.the 1-1/2 fish tablespoon sauce is
The way does
scale knot goes out all , already slice only for back meat departs bilateral bone beside , wash cleanly , cut thick about 2 inch then to mix a little salt , put something down fry in oil rather very give light yellow not so as , scorched or , yellow old too , already take go up lay on the screen are drained of water it , bail out it that fry the fish goes out 2 very the ladle stops
the lemongrass pounds enough [ when broken ] cut to is long about 3 inch crowds into to rip wash cleanly , the galingale pounds enough [ when broken ] , the parsley plucks to are , dry chili inserts the wood grills the fire gives a little scorched , eliminate from the wood breaks a half knocks a seed goes out all , pound total up with kiss burn , the garlic burns
lift the frying pan that have oil sure that puts on the stove moderate , enough [ when ] hot add chili sauce burns down cook enough [ when ] kiss , add the galingale , lemongrass crowds into the fish sauce , add soup a little water ( , about 1/2 a cup ) , enough [ when ] be angry , take the fish that fry to keep down cook give throughout , add lime juice , a person will give throughout have enough [ when ] little water puts something down to fetch add a dish sprinkles the parsley , fully eat
menu is other
Posted by
5:58 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tom yum kung (spicy lemongrass shrimp soup , Thai food )
Hello! ( yes sir ) meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , a menu for today beg for to advise a menu that knows the worldwide is popular various for example
Tom yum kung , (spicy lemongrass shrimp soup , Thai food )
Posted by
10:20 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, thai food menu
Tom yum pra ka pong(spicy lemongrass canned fish soup)Thai food
Hello! ( yes sir ) meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , today come to meet with age food economizes to eat easy , Thai style with Tom yum pra ka pong( spicy lemongrass canned fish soup ) Thai food
Posted by
6:04 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, thai food menu
Monday, November 5, 2007
Hello! you the audience everyone , today thai-food-online.blogspot.com , beg for present part middle menu that like to have every a part of Thailand is , KAENG KHIAO WAN KAI
Posted by
7:08 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, thai food menu
Hello! ( yes sir ) , come to meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , a formula cooks a meal online , for house mother or , the head of the household who want to cook Thai , for today the food that eat every of Thailand part for example , KAENG CARE[THAI FOOD]
Posted by
6:41 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, thai food menu
Sunday, November 4, 2007
KAENG SOM KUNG(sour soup made of tamarind shrimp paste,thai food)
by pipat
Hello! ( yes sir ) today we come to meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , we come to begin please ( yes sir ) , with South our food is KAENG SOM KUNG(sour soup made of tamarind shrimp paste,thai food)
The components
1/2 fresh kilogram shrimp washes cleanly , pluck shrimp head goes out to peel is left keep but , with the tail splits the back
half child pineapple has split then slice to is moderately pieces
12 dry guinea-peppers are ( if , like spicy add very all right )
20 petal garlics are
the 1 shrimp tablespoon paste is
milled rice 1 the handful is
curcuma yellow fresh a little is
the lemon is
the fish sauce is
The way does
the guinea-pepper is dry , milled rice , wash give clean pound total up with the garlic , shrimp paste , curcuma are circumspect [ powdery ] , finished already give take the water dissolves chili sauce has in a mortar already pours down add a pot puts on the stove , add the ebb tide goes to estimate just enoughly don't give too clear , simmer the fire for a enough [ when ] moment chili sauce kisses to add the pineapple down goes to boil , enough [ when ] cooked add the shrimp down go to , simmer give blend squeeze the lemon , add the fish sauce , flavor discharge sour , The salty , depend upon like , must not add the sugar because , sweet pineapple sure , enough [ when cooked ] put something down , rest give cold down a little fetch add a dish fully eat
other menu
Posted by
6:21 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, history thai food, thai food menu
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hello! ( yes sir )meet again with a menu for you , today beg for present a menu that like very in the South of Thailand is KAENG LARNG NOR MAI
The ingredients
1.5 yellow blessings are9 dry guinea-peppers are
2.curcuma fresh yellow 1 the teaspoon is
3.3-5 guest spectacles tamarinds
4. an onion peels the 1 tablespoon lane
5.the garlic peels 9 the petal
6.the lemongrass slices 1 tablespoon fiber
7.1 powdery teaspoon salt is
8.the 1 shrimp teaspoon paste is
9.the 1 fish tablespoon sauce is
10.bamboo pickling shoot slices 1 rough a cup ( , wash before )
11.the sea mullet is or , fish meat estimates the thicket , slice follow like 1 a cup
12.3-4 cup waters are
13.1 lane teaspoon galingale
The way does
the chili is yellow , curcuma is fresh , onion lemongrass , salt is powdery , shrimp paste , galingale , pound altogether be circumspect [ powdery ] , fetch add the utensils stops from that time lead the water adds a pot puts on the stove middle is angry , lead ingredients that pound to keep appeared a pot , liberate give angry for a moment big then add bamboo pickling shoot , simmer go to one distance some estimates that , give the water loses , then taste if , not sour add guest tamarind down go to , estimate give just enough old the requirement , when , taste done to a turn then , add fish meat that reserve to close the lid abandons is angry , when , estimate that , cooked fish is then , put something down fully eat
1.cook done to a already turn , add the fish , don't simmer because , will make stinking fish , soup should is angry very before lead the fish adds
2.guest tamarind adds to get down in case of , bamboo not sour shoot is or , if , like to add all right
other menu
Posted by
9:10 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, history thai food, thai food menu
Friday, November 2, 2007
HI! today meet again with thai-food-online.blogspot.com , come to meet and the recipe book regularly , today we come to meet with chili sauce textbook again one kind is .....NAM PRIK MANGDA
The components
the shrimp paste wraps the banana leaf burns 1 the tablespoon
the 1 horseshoe farm crab grills to slice tiny
the garlic peels 1 the head
15 guinea-peppers are
a gulp abrades the skin goes out to wash 1 cleanly
the fish sauce is
lime juice is
lead bucket palmyra as you like it
The way cooks
pound the garlic , chili , horseshoe crab , a gulp are circumspect [ powdery ] together , slash add a cup has stoped already , flavor with the fish sauce , lemon , bucket sugar , taste follow the requirement , eat fully hot dry-cookedrice , or , the vegetables scalds , green vegetables , vegetables all top will fry the vegetables dips with an egg with , alike great
Other menu is http://thai-food-online.blogspot.com
Posted by
9:42 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, namprik, thai food menu
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hello! ( yes sir )meet again please yes sir , audience , at this period we will talk in about [ story ] NAM PRIK , often please ( yes sir ) , because , might have a person takes an interest about [ story ] many thises , today me begs for to present NAM PRIK POA ,
The ingredients
dry big chili grills 15 fires
3 head garlics are
10 head shallots are
3 bucket tablespoon sugars
1 dried powdery cup shrimp is
1-1/2 powdery teaspoon salt is
5 vegetable teaspoon oils are
The way cooks
slice the shallot , the garlic then to fry with vegetable until oil is yellow the frame
stop before
add the dried shrimp , kiss the garlic which reserve to pound is circumspect [ powdery ]
lead that pound , down cook in the frying pan
add tamarind water wets , sugar , and powdery salt mixes blend , taste follow want , liberate coldly , eat things to eat with pretty hot rice or , green vegetables , the vegetables scalds all right
The list is other
Posted by
7:01 AM
Labels: food with a salty taste, healthy thai food, namprik, thai food menu